Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hi, I'm Martina

Why I did it
Because for the last 10 years I've wanted to make a change like this but I lacked direction.  Since reading John Robbins "Diet for A new America" I've been floating between vegan and vegetarian but I've always relapsed for all sorts of "reasons" (family, peer pressure, convenience, etc.), but mostly because for me meat and dairy are an addiction.  But this past year I have said good bye to them for good.  I just cannot be a part of the animal cruelty that takes place in the food industry today and I don't want to live in a state of apathy.  I don't want to set that example for my children.
But it wasn't just meat and dairy I wanted out.  Since my oldest son Owen started solids I began to really notice how much sugar he was potentioally exposed to.  It was shocking to me how products that were marketed specifically to babies and children could contain added sugar!  I tried to limit sugar as much as I knew how, but it creeps in everywhere and before you know it it is in everything:  your coffee, oatmeal, peanut butter, tea, marinara sauce, yogurt, etc.  And that doesn't include the things we designate as "sweets". 
To cut out all sugar seemed impossible to me, and I was frustrated.  So when Alexa and Stephanie asked me if I wanted to do a "shred" with them, I said yes before I even knew what it entailed.  When I first started, I'll be honest, it was about losing that remaining belly fat.  But within a few days my inner conscience was awakened and I realized what an amazing opportunity I had in front of me.  I could finally take control of my family's diet in a real and profound way and teach my children what food really is and how to eat health and whole. 

And that excited me, because I love food and the closer it is to its natural state the more beautiful it is to me.  To me there is no greater way to express my love for my family and those around me than to cook or bake for them.  And when I am able to accomplish that and have it be something that is not only delicious and satisfying but also nourishing and healing I feel as if I am pouring my love directly into them, and I love that!
It hasn't been easy.  I remember as soon as I told my husband, the first thing he said was "What about coffee?", and I realized I hadn't even considered that I would have to give up my creamer.  It can seem extreme to the "normal" way of living, but really what is "extreme"?  Maybe the "normal" and accepted way is truly extreme.  Sugar, HFCS, and artificial sweeteners are directly linked to all sorts of very serious health problems which begs the question, why on earth are they in nearly every processed food offered in a grocery store.
So if you ask me why I'm a part of this my answer is for my children.  And for my husband, r myself, and for a future where the food industry cares about the health of the people consuming their products.  I feel now as if my eyes are wide open.  I'm awake, and I'm excited and I'm here to learn more, to help others and to be a small part of the change I would like to see in this world.  Even a drop in the bucket makes a difference.  I'm Martina, thank you for allowing me to take part in your journey!  Welcome, xoxo.

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